Sunday, February 28, 2010


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2009 -was a pretty busy year around here. Not quite as busy as we'd hoped but there were still quite a few additions.

You can click the play button to go to smilebox and see all the photos better

Top left - the new John Deere lawn tractor (our sets of parents got together and that was our wedding gift)

next- Nathan riding a pony for the first time at the Capital Ex- I was so impressed with how solid he was in the saddle and I'm so tempted to buy him a pony of his own.

Top right- One of the few wild strawberries that I was able to get a picture of before Nathan found it and immediately ate everyone he found.

Bottom Left - We finally bought an old pick up truck in August- makes everything easier to haul. This is a picture of Nathan and I collecting some small pieces for firewood and kindling.

Bottom Middle- Our New Guard Dog Jasper. He's teaching old Maggie to actually bark at the coyotes to keep them away.

In the centre -one of our many hikes into the field.

and our biggest (smallest) addition of the Year- Baby Greg was born Christmas day.