Mother Earth News-wiser living series
Guide to Growing your Own Food
Guide to Growing your Own Food
a magazine I found in the book section at Wal-mart actually about a month ago.
I loved the articles just from flipping through,
I've only managed to sit down and read article on backyard chickens in it's entirety.
But it has a bunch of other great looking articles about weed free gardens, learning how to can, and buying the right yard tractor for your needs...so I'm sure I'll probably end up reading it pretty much cover to cover.
But, wanna know what I learned from the chicken article???
"Homegrown eggs are more colorful and flavorful, and they're more nutritious: richer in beta carotene, vitamin D, vitamin E, folic acid and vitamin B-12. Plus, eggs from hens raised on pasture have one third less cholesterol."
how's that for another few reasons for raising chickens???
Of course I think I'll start with just chickens for eating, and get into laying hens after I'm sure I know enough to get them to survive a winter...so maybe next year.
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