Sunday, February 20, 2011

Goat coats and food exchange

Today the kids and Chris went and met his parents for lunch in Leduc.
Me? Not so much. I'm pretty sure I've developed strep. So I stayed home and slept.

But I still got prezzies...hee hee

My MIL got two kid coats knitted

Aren't they adorable?

I'm thinking it'll be pretty hard to lose whatever kid is wearing the ORANGE one.
If we get a Houdini goat that manages to do constant escape act ( knock on wood) we'll have a coat ready for them.

Anyways I'm thrilled with how they turned out, and wanted to share them in all there cuteness!

We also pawned off gave them two of the chickens out of the freezer. Since October we've only manged to go through 4 of the 18 birds. If I want  to justify getting more chicks this spring I'm going to have to empty that freezer at a higher rate. The bonus was I got one of her homemade lasagnas in exchange. DEAL!!!

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