Monday, February 21, 2011

I know what I want to be when I grow up...

I just came across Raven Wood Ranch.
I'm Jealous?
In Love?

I'm not so sure I aspire to owning my own butcher shop. But here's a mom with 2 young boys making a living raising and selling the animals (meat) to a niche market.
All the things I've been trying to explain to my in-laws, parents, husband for over a year now.
What I'm most interested in was her post about being "A Farm with No Barn" she claims she pasture raises all her animals (sheep,goats,cattle,chickens,ducks,pigs) with minimal out buildings as shelters in severe weather the rest of the time they are outside. IN ALBERTA. In Caroline to be exact, where my in-laws live and I know for a fact gets just as drastically cold and miserable as right here.
They also offer CSA farm tours through out the year. I'm thinking I may have to book one and go pick this girls brain on how exactly these animals are surviving these brutal temperatures with minimal shelters when I can't seem to keep goats up and running in what I though should have been more than sufficient shelter?!?!?

Regardless I'm inspired. I want our little "farm" to grow up to be just like theirs.

That or...

There is a Farmstead Goat Cheese operation. FULLY LICENSED DAIRY & CHEESE MAKING FACILITY. for sale about 45 minutes north of us. It's been on my radar for a few months now. If I could figure out a way to come up with the finances, I think I might even give up my beautiful house to take over an already running operation like this.
Sadly it's beyond my budget. If I want it I'll just have to be inspired by what can be done, and work towards it as my ultimate goal...

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