I thought Lethbridge was suppose to be the wind capital of Alberta- I didn't find the wind half as annoying down there~ then again I hid in my carport - to be indoors/ outdoors.
But today was bad here, it was sunny, but the wind was blowing so hard...it was one of those instant ear ache kind of days....so all my plans to start painting or planting were, well...Gone with the wind (I kill me)
So other than laundry, tidying, and dishes, it was a pretty unproductive day.
and I'm obviously becoming outdoorsy again, I was like a caged animal all day I just paces and and picked up stuff and paced some more...
but just going for wanders through the fields and trees has become one of Nathan and my favorite pastimes, so not being outside at all pretty much today was hard on both of us.
Our daily walks into the backfield...

A few days ago we started pumping out the rather large "pond" that had formed in the low spot of the backyard. And it was enough water that it actually took a few days to drain out. But the pump accidentally got left on when Chris went to work last night, so by this morning it was all virtually gone.- the pic is me moving the pump to deeper water (in my fashion farm boot~I'm sure the neighbors are laughing behind my back, but I love 'em) and then having to chase my helper back out of the water, he really needs to know what I'm up to all the time. And hey! any excuse to get in a puddle is always a good one for him!!!
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